Time for everyone to come out and celebrate! Picnic in the Park. Call for Picnic assistants going out shortly, It's the location of our 2022 event, River Grove Park in Kingwood. It's very important that you register (guests included) so we can provide you with a Kingwood Park one-day parking pass.
Parking is in the areas marked yellow with orange stripes. We will be easy to find, can't miss everybody between the Pavilion and Tents. HASK should have most of the park to ourselves. Designated river paddles are planned.
Bring gear to sell or give away. Please mark each items with Tape, your Name, Phone Number and Price. Please, no more than 2 kayaks per person to sell. To reduce plastic waste, please bring your favorite flash or tumbler. We'll have tape and sharpies. Solo cups available.
Menu to be released soon. Grilled items for sure. Will request side dishes from you all. Chris Arceneaux
Pavilion & Bathroom (Clean)
The Put-In and Take-Out is behind the HASK Tents. Grassy shoreline.