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HomeClub Leadership

Club Leadership


The Club Leadership Team is a group of dedicated volunteers that handles the necessary, behind-the scenes administrative stuff that keeps the club running.  The Leadership Team consists of seven Board Members and one Coordinator.  The Leadership Team is all about planning and execution. 


Board members and two Coordinators work with trip leaders to make sure that the calendar has plenty of fun events for members to attend.  We also plan club meetings, parties and training sessions.  We interact with the American Canoe Association on behalf of the club, oversee safety for the club, manage the website, and approve funds as needed to make it all happen.    


Contact us if you have a question or comment for the Board.


Charles "Chuck"  Falk is the Club’s 2024 President. He is a retired Commercial Photographer and Filmmaker, Sailor and Mariner. Chuck has forty plus years of paddling experience, including canoe & kayak expedition, raft and whitewater. He is an ACA Level 2 Trip Leader as well as an ACA Level 2 Coastal Instructor. 


David Lehmann
 serves as the Vice President, committing club activities and memorable words of Board Members to the official HASK record.



 Bill Ohsie
is the club's Treasurer. Bill started kayaking in 1995 and has paddled regularly since 2003. He has previous experience handling money having been the treasurer of two non-profit organizations in the past. 


Constantin Platon
 is the Fleet Captain.  Kayaking for most of us is a pastime, a way to get outside and exercise. This is true for Contantin Platon, and its also a livelihood. Like so many other members he shares a background in geology. You will also learn that he is well experienced in tennis, biking, climbing, hiking and camping as just as critical, teaching. On to kayaking, Constantin has completed a number of ACA and National Outdoor leadership skills courses. He has assembled a fleet of kayaks to guide local enthusiasts young and old. Contantin's travels extensively in his pursuits to paddle rivers out West and the Florida Everglades. The Platon family is often enjoying the same adventures, so try to keep up! 

Phil Salvador
is the Club’s Safety Director and Training Coordinator. I have been sea kayaking and a HASK member since Feb 2017. I enjoy leading trips and training sessions for HASK.  I currently (2021) can offer HASK members training in paddle stroke skills, self and assisted rescues, navigation, rolling, towing, VHF radio use, and kayak tripping and camping. I am certified by ACA in kayaking at L2 level (Essentials of Kayak Touring).  I have passed ACA sea kayaking skill assessments up through L4.   I am certified by NOLS as a Wilderness First Responder.  Please feel free to contact me about trips or training I can offer you.

Lisa Kinsey
is the Club Membership Director. I spend my weekdays working as the CFO for a pipeline service company and look forward to weekends when I can get outdoors.  I canoed and kayaked occasionally growing up, but I started doing more kayaking in 2020 during the Covid pandemic and was introduced to HASK in 2022.  I am honored to serve in this position and help new members join the organization.




Georgette Falk is our 2024 Secretary. She has experience in Business Management, Real Estate and Accounting.
Georgette's paddling career began with a canoe outing on a date with her now husband Charles. Over the years she's been comfortable on the water in Fishing boats, Canoes and Sailboats. But it wasn’t until Chuck purchased an 8’  Walmart kayak that she seriously into Kayaking..Since then, she's enjoyed a variety of Kayaks and Canoes paddling as a couple and groups. Georgette has paddled locally on day trips, multi day kayak camp outs, and more recently paddled surf in Florida.

She and Chuck have retired from their full time job as Commercial Photographers and are now able to participate in HASK full time.
