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Armand Bayou North

Date and Time

Saturday, September 7, 2024, 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM


Bay Area Park boat launch
7500 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX  77058


Robert Weeks
206.229.9924 (p)
206.229.9924 (c)

Phillip Salvador


HASK Paddle Trip

Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
This is an ACA sanctioned event. All participants must wear a PFD. Non-HASK participants must sign a waiver. See all rules at the bottom of this page.
Cancellation Policy:
Notify the Event Contact to cancel your registration.


10 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available

About this event

Bay Area Park to Red Bluff

Trip Description:
    Let's get out on the water for a leisurely paddle on Armand Bayou. We will launch from Bay Area Park boat launch (29.595758,-95.089713) and paddle North toward Red Bluff Road, it is bordered by a lush, verdant landscape, providing home to alligators, turtles, and numerous bird species. 

Two side trips are possible.  One is a channel off Armand Bayou near Red Bluff Road.  This adds about 2 miles.  Another is to go up Big Island Slough, near Bay Area Park, to Red Bluff Road.  This adds another 2 miles.

This is a level 1 paddle unless the wind increases., and of course this could change on the day of the paddle.  


Be sure to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, insect repellent, and snack if desired (or lunch if you choose), and of course your PFD (REQUIRED!)..

Click the Map quest link for map.  From Houston take I-45 south toward Galveston, exit on to Bay Area Blvd, take a left and travel 5.6 miles east to Bay Area Park. 

Plan to arrive in the Park in time to be on the water by 09:00 am.

If you will be late, please call trip leader and advise.  Also notify trip leader if you are not going to paddle after having signed up for the paddle. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Stumps, alligators, heat, dehydration, snakes, mosquitoes, wasps, thunderstorms, alien life forms . . . .

Here is a link showing the location of the boat ramp area in Bay area Park:

Trip Leader  Rob Weeks
Trip Assistants Phil Salvador
 Trip Rating*  1 or 2 depending on wind
 Ready to Launch at  9:00 AM
 Duration (hours) 3  - 5 hours
 Paddling Miles  ~ 6 miles (may be 10 miles if two side trips are made)
 Emergency Initiator  

Susan Weeks 936-647-8615

 Emergency Phone #s  911
 Latest Expected Return  2 PM
 Auto Description/Lic. # Silver Ford Ranger
 Distance from Houston  Approximately 28 miles


* Trip ratings are only a  guide.  Actual conditions will vary with wind and other weather.

This is an ACA sanctioned event. All participants in ACA-insured activities must wear properly-fitting U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets (Personal Flotation Devices, or PFDs) at all times during on-water activities. Non-HASK participants must sign a waiver.


Waivers - Please complete our easy to use online waiver if you are a HASK member who has not signed a waiver within the last 12 months or a non- HASK participant. Read the waiver carefully.  You give up substantial rights when you sign it.

  • Add Smartwaiver with email address “” to your address book to ensure emails do not go to junk/spam.
  • Select a link below to complete the online waiver. 

   ACA-HASK Adult Waiver ACA-HASK Minor Waiver

  • Respond to the “Confirm your E-Signature” email from ACA / HASK to confirm your email address.  Wavier is now complete and valid.
  • You will receive a confirmation email. Please download and print a copy of the waiver and bring it to the trip put-in. 


Guests – You are welcome to join us for a couple of paddle trips.  HASK will cover the $10 ACA event membership for non-ACA members. Hopefully you will then join HASK and continue paddling with us.