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HomeEvents San Bernard River Mouth Day Trip

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San Bernard River Mouth Day Trip

Date and Time

Saturday, June 17, 2023, 9:30 AM until 3:00 PM


Boat Ramp at end of FM 2918.
FM 2918 Ramp, FM 2918
Brazoria, TX  

Event Contact(s)

Carl Kuhnen
713-444-3315 (cell) (p)
713-444-3315 (c)


HASK Paddle Trip

Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
This is an ACA sanctioned event. All participants in ACA-insured activities must wear properly-fitting U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets (Personal Flotation Devices, or PFDs) at all times during on-water activities. Non-HASK participants must sign a waiver. See all rules at the bottom of this page.
Cancellation Policy:
Notify the Event Contact to cancel your registration.


14 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available

About this event

Let's meet at 9:30 to launch at 10:00. This is intended to be a simple easy paddle down to the mouth of the river to enjoy the area.  The biggest challenge is usually a head wind as we head down the river.   There are always lots of birds of the feathery fishery kind around and just a pretty place to paddle in general. Distance will be between 3 and 6 miles depending on which paths we decide to explore. Bring lunch for a beach picnic and lots of water. We can walk the beach, lay in the water, fly a kite, and maybe paddle in the river mouth or lagoon. We may have a fairly strong tidal outflow because high tide (Freeport) is at 5:44 AM and low tide is at 9:09 PM. Tidal range is 2.5 feet, which is larger than average. This can be both fun and tricky so we will check it out before venturing into it. We will land on the sandy river/lagoon beach and surf paddling will not be required. But if you think you might want to venture into the surf a little, bring your helmet.

Plan for the day:

  • Put in at the boat ramp on the Intracoastal Waterway at FM 2918, paddle 100 meters in the ICW, then downstream in the San Bernard River.
  • We will check out the mouth of the river see what there is to see at the mouth.  
  • Land on the backside of the beach and walk over to the Gulf to relax, beach comb, and have lunch if possible.
  • Paddle back to the landing or explore a chain of marsh lakes a short ways up the SBR if the current is not fast.

Total paddling distance will be about 6-8 miles.

It's a pretty easy paddle but will have some current in the river and is partially open to the wind.  We will adjust to the conditions as needed.


Directions to the Put-in: For Google Maps driving directions, enter FM 2918 Boat Ramp, FM 2918, Brazoria, TX

Take 288 South from Houston toward Lake Jackson, turn right on Hwy 2004 (2004 turns into 2611 as you go past Hwy 36); travel SW for about 11 miles; where 2611 turns NW, turn left onto 2918 (you will still be headed SW, 2918 turns SE in about 0.5 miles).   Stay on 2918 till you arrive at the boat launch.  It’s about 10 miles from 2611.  The put-in is about 70 miles from downtown Houston. Parking is good at the put-in but note that there are no "facilities" at the put-in, indeed nary a bush. There are a few gas stations in and around Lake Jackson but we do not have current ratings of their restrooms. It's a good 1 1/2 - 2  hours from Houston so leave yourself plenty of time.

Lat - Lon of the put-in is  28°52'8.0364"N,   95° 26'56.5728"W


Hazards: Boat traffic on the Intracoastal Waterway, some of which is enormous. We will give it lots of room. Current and small boat traffic in the main river channel, then none in the lagoon. Otherwise, heat, dehydration, fire ants, mosquitos, stingrays (shuffle your feet in the lagoon). Slight chance of bears, rattlesnakes, and tarantulas. Boat ramp can be slippery. Bring lunch, adequate water, sun protection, and a change of clothes in case you fall in. Bring lunch for a beach picnic.



Trip Leader  Carl Kuhnen
 Trip Assistants  Constantin Platon
 Trip Rating*  1 - 2
 Ready to Launch at  10:00 a.m.
 Duration (hours)  5
 Paddling Miles  6 - 8
 Emergency Initiator  Chuck Falk  (281)380-6257
 Emergency Phone #s  911, Brazoria County Sheriff 979-849-5711
 Latest Expected Return  4:00 p.m.
 Auto Description/Lic #  Teal Honda CRV FWC 6215
 Distance from Houston  70 miles



* Trip ratings are only a guide.  Actual conditions will vary with wind and other weather.


This is an ACA sanctioned event. All participants in ACA-insured activities must wear properly-fitting U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets (Personal Flotation Devices, or PFDs) at all times during on-water activities. Non-HASK participants must sign a waiver. See all rules at the bottom of this page.

Waivers - Please complete our easy to use online waiver if you are a HASK member who has not signed a waiver within the last 12 months or a non- HASK participant. Read the waiver carefully.  You give up substantial rights when you sign it.

  • Add Smartwaiver with email address “” to your address book to ensure emails do not go to junk/spam.
  • Select a link below to complete the online waiver. 

   ACA-HASK Adult Waiver ACA-HASK Minor Waiver

  • Respond to the “Confirm your E-Signature” email from ACA / HASK to confirm your email address.  Wavier is now complete and valid.
  • You will receive a confirmation email. Please download and print a copy of the waiver and bring it to the trip put-in. 


Guests – You are welcome to join us. Please contact the trip leader in advance. Th ACA requires a signed waiver and a $10 single event insurance fee from non-ACA members. Hopefully you will then join HASK and continue paddling with us.