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HomeEventsJan 20. HASK Meeting - Speaker: Phil Salvador - National Outdoor Leadership Event in Baja

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Jan 20. HASK Meeting - Speaker: Phil Salvador - National Outdoor Leadership Event in Baja

Date and Time

Monday, January 21, 2030, 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM


Zoom or Harris County Trini Mendenhall Community Center
A nice place! Will announce by Monday
1414 Wirt Rd
Houston, TX  77055

Event Contact(s)

Chris Arceneaux
832-216-2483 (p)


HASK Meeting

Registration Info

Registration is recommended
Tell where you want to kayak! and Let's Go!!
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Monday, January 21, 2030 at 5:00 PM

About this event

Things are changing on the health front with Harris County Covid Risk Tolerance Level for Harris County Facilities. So expect an update by Jan. 17th.

Our Speaker is Phil Salvador who recently completed a National Outdoor Leadership School  (NOLS) course in the Sea of Cortez.  The Baja California Peninsula is a beautiful dramatic and sometimes harsh environment. We'll enjoy Phil describe his NOLS leadership learning experience.

Baja Beach
Photo Credit: Kate Gautier

*  Orange / Level 2:  Minimize all contacts unless fully vaccinated.  signifies a significant and uncontrolled level of COVID-19 in Harris County, meaning that there is ongoing transmission of the virus. At this level, unvaccinated residents should minimize contacts with others, avoid any medium or large gatherings, and only visit permissible businesses that follow public health guidance. Unvaccinated individuals should continue to mask, physical distance, and avoid all medium and large gatherings. Fully vaccinated individuals should follow the latest local public health guidance on whether to also wear a mask while indoors in public spaces, in crowded outdoor settings, and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.

Location: The Trini Mendenhall Community Center is at Wirt and Westview, 3/4 of mile North of I-10 in Spring Branch East, just west of the 610 Loop. Kroger is across the street. (See address posted)

Number of People Who Will Attend

(No Fee)
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